17th Symposium - 2000
Paper Title | Authors | Full Text |
Campaign Monitoring in Kosovo: OA Support to HQ KFOR | Pete Bailey | |
Project Albert Overview | Maj Russ Bergeman, MIDN Dan Reiher | |
Modelling Missions of Light Forces | K A Bertsche | |
DIAMOND | A D Caldwell | |
Importance of Think Tanks for a Newly Emerging Democracy: a Croatian Case Study | Dr Kresimir Cosic, Dr Imre Balogh, James Fox | |
Assessing the Risk of Concurrent Operational Demands | R W Funk | |
An American Foray into Soft OR | Priscilla A Glasow | |
The Effect of Numbers | R C Goodman | |
Operational Analysis at the Frontline - a Generic Approach to Measuring Progress? | Suzanne Griffin | |
Implications of New Technologies for Maritime Operations in 2015 and Beyond | N Krarup-Hansen | |
Designing an OOTW Impact Analysis Tool | Dean S Hartley III | |
Argonaut Modelling | Jason Hatton | |
An Assessment of the Role of the Reserve Component in Military Transformation | Charles F Hawkins, John R Brinkerhoff, Stanley A Horowitz | |
Modelling Command Control & Communications: a general approach used in HORUS / FIT | Dr Franz Knoll | |
Defence Needs Simulation for an Uncertain Future | J Komarek | |
Status of German Army OR | Col Hans-G Konert | |
GECRI Model: an unusual use of Factorial Analysis (geopolitics and crisis prevention) | G Lascar | |
Measuring Human Factors in Combat: Part of the Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Capture Rate Study | Christopher A Lawrence | |
US Management of Complex Contingencies, Potential Global Partners, and Challenges to Achieving Unity of Effort | A Martin Lidy | |
Human Experiments on the Values of Information and Force Advantage | Lt John McGunnigle, Prof Wayne Hughes, Tom Lucas | |
Man with a Movie Camera: a quantitative method for evaluating video recordings in support of Operational Analysis | I M Mitchell | |
Self Organised Criticality, Manoeuvre Warfare, and Peace Support Operations | James Moffat, Maurice Passman | |
Measuring the Effects of Knowledge on Combat Operations | Dr Walter L Perry | |
Using and validating the Strategic Assessment Method (SAM) - Soft OA for supporting strategic decision-making | M Purvis | |
Developing the Strategic Assessment Method (SAM): Blending Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis | J M Catherall | |
System Dynamics v Discrete Event Simulation: Is there a Winner? | K Rawlings | |
Mechanised Warfare in Urban Terrain | Peter Rindstal | |
Sea-based Logistics and Lessons from the Falklands | David Schrady | |
The Anatomy of Combat: the Quest for the Holy Grail | R J Volluz, R M Volluz | |
The Conflict Analysis Tool: a framework for the study of Operations Other Than War (OOTW) | David West | |
A Model of Command & Control as an Optimization Process with Implications for C2 Structure | R C Wheeler | |
Surprise and the Revolution in Military Affairs: an historical investigation of how advances in technology could influence the likelihood and the effects of surprise | Michael J Young |