9th Symposium - 1992
Paper Title | Authors | Full Text |
The Relationship Between Battle Intensity and Disease Rates among Marine Corps Combat and Support Units | Christopher G Blood |
Automated Movement Planning | Capt Larry Campbell, David A Horner, Burhman Gates |
Operational Research in the Field | Russell C Coile |
A Geopolitical Database for Policy Planning and Operations in a New World Order | N Gass, N A Kellett |
Identifying Wartime Manpower Requirements through the Use of Computer Simulation | Mr Albert H Gates |
Wargames for the Nineties: a Review of the Developments over the past Three Years at DRA Fort Halstead | Dr I P Gibson |
Simulating the Battle of 73 Easting | Stan Gray |
Maritime Casualty War Gaming | John R Haydon |
SimoF - A Rapid Wargaming System on the Operational Level | Ernst-Uwe Kiwull, Andreas Kretzer |
A New Set of Tools for Netherlands Defence Research | M H A Klaver |
Scenarios - Foundation for Combat Developments | W J Krondak |
Analysis in Support of the AirLand Operations Concept and Forces | Phillip A Kubler |
A Deterministic Wargaming Method used to Investigate the Effects of Force Multiplying Weapons | N J Lambert, Maj J D J A Turner, R R Hunt |
Myths, Assumptions and OR Military Requirements in Times of Uncertainty | Paul Mallorie |
Influence of Digital Terrain Resolution on Automated Route Selection | G B McKinley, David A Horner |
The Relevance of Quick Response Tools to Air Defence in Out-Of-Area Operations | Rick Meessen |
A Decision Oriented Approach to Design and Development | Morton L Metersky |
Developing Maritime Scenarios | John Mountain |
Global Force Capability Requirements for US Defense Planning | George Miller, Dr W Peter Cherry, David Thompson |
Modeling Complex Wartime Medical Systems | Dr Kim L Ong |
Operations Research and Improved Estimation of Medical Support Requirements | William M Pugh |
Modelling the Canadian Total Force | Dr Kevin Y K Ng |
Redefining the 'Beancount' - Positioning Detailed Analyses via Static Methods | Mr A Robinson |
Computer Support for Casualty Estimation in Desert Storm: Lessons Learned and a Look to the Future | Curtis L Schuhmacher |
Threat Related Attrition (THREAT) System: Estimating Wartime Disease and Non-Battle Injuries in the USAF | Maj Dan Sharon |
The Copernicus Architecture - C3 Architecture for the US Navy and Joint Operations: Implications for Operations Research in NATO C3 Planning | P Purdue, Prof Michael G Sovereign |
Retrospective, Current and Prospective Force Planning | Eugene P Visco |
Brainstorm and Insight Gaming of High Technologies (BRIGHT) | Kevin Wagstaff |
RAF Strike Command Wargaming in Support of Training and Planning | R C Wheeler |
Is There Still a Need for Manual Simulations? | Michael J Young |
The Next War in Europe | P G Pugh |
An Outline of the FASST Concept and the Road to FASSTEX 1/92 | Hugh D Richardson |
FASSTEX 1/92: Conduct and Lessons Learned | S W J Atchison |
The Future Provision of Rapid OA Support in Peacetime and Scientific Support to the British Army in the Field | R Goodman, M Evans |
US Army Desert Storm Battle Damage Assessment Operations and Analyses | R Koffinke Jr |
The Use of Soft OA Techniques at DOAC | Alan Brignell |
Force Structure and Deployment Analysis of Reaction Forces | Robert Hagen |
Weapon System Affordability in the Nineties | Dr H C Puscheck |
Operational Research Tools for Contingency Planning | Michael Vigeault, I Taylor |
Airlift and Sealift Tradeoffs during and after Desert Storm | Lt Col M E Heberling |
Naval Battle Group Tactical Re-Arming | David Schrady |
Sensitivity Analysis of Crew Performance in JANUS (A) | Capt S A Kowalkoski |
A Model to Analyze Future Conflict Trends | D N Gass |