10th Symposium - 1993
Paper Title | Authors | Full Text |
The Use of Scenarios in Operational Analysis and Threat Prediction - a More Generic Approach | Mark Evans |
The Application of Influence Diagrams to the Study of Police Force and Low Intensity Operations | Hugh D Richardson, J M Coyle |
The Application of Role Analysis Modelling to Future Operations | Alan Brignell, B R Barry |
The Potential Use of the UK High-Level Wargaming Facility in Determining UK Peacekeeping Force Allocations | G J Burrows, M Dumble |
The Prediction of the Costs of Mounting and Sustaining Limited Operations Overseas | C E Johnson |
A Re-creation of Operation 'Desert Sabre' using the CARCO System Dynamics model | Hugh D Richardson, J M Coyle |
Operational Maneuver from the Sea War Game - Final Report | A Jareb |
The Palletized Load System (PLS): An Analysis of PLS Cost Effective Uses | Mr Alan R Cunningham |
The OR Concept for the German Army | Col Hans-G Konert |
Rapid OR Assistance for the German MOD Army Staff | Robert Hagen, Kurt Grau |
Dismounted Infantry in Open Terrain - the Model FLINK | Michael Bittner |
Presentation of the OR Instrument: Infantry in Urban Areas | Martin Deister |
USACE R&D to Enhance an Army LOTS Operation | Dr Lyndell Hales |
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief in Future International Security Operations | Russell C Coile |
The Battle for Hue: Casualty and Disease Rates During Urban Warfare | Christopher G Blood, Marlisa E Anderson |
Rapid Deployment Out of Area - Methods Used to Identify NBC Equipment Requirements | N J Lambert, Maj J D J A Turner, R R Hunt |
Training Senior Canadian Defence Officials for Contigency Operations | P J Sutherland |
Problems of Tri-Service and Multi-National Collaboration | Mick Ryan |
Force and Operational Capability Investigation (FOCI) | Hugh D Richardson, R A Kendall |
Friendly Fire | R C Goodman, Eugene P Visco, J J Harding, Hugh D Richardson |
MACE - a Method for Measuring the Operational Effectiveness of Military Communications Systems | Peter D Staton |
Future International Security Operations: Framework and Implication for Analysis | Dr W Peter Cherry |
Simulation Modelling of Combat Casualty Care and Evacuation Systems | Mr E Lindamood |
Air Defence Artillery for Security Operations in a New World Order | Greg H Parlier |
Uncertain Reasoning Techniques applied to the Peacekeeping Tactical Mission | David F Davis |
Command and Control of Multinational-dissimilar Forces in UN Peacekeeping Operations | David F Davis, Mr D M Last |
An Appropriate Model for Rapid Analysis of C3I Topics | Mr M Cole |