16th Symposium - 1999
Paper Title | Authors | Full Text |
Weapons of Mass Destruction vs Weapons of Opportunity | Cdr W K Alexander, Dr G B Briggs, Capt K R Still | |
Measuring the reliability of MoD equipment | Crispin Allard | |
Optimizing Strategic Airlift | Steven F Baker, David P Morton, Richard E Rosenthal, Laura Melody Williams | |
Optimising the Structure of Engineer Forces for a Peacekeeping Mission | K A Bertsche | |
Programming and Production in Theater General Support Maintenance Facilities | Barbara Bormolini, Richard Woodworth, Andreas Andel, Gerald Martin, Robert McConnell | |
Mathematical methods for C4ISR assessment | B D Bramson, Dr Lorraine Dodd, T R Field, Dr D J Marsay | |
OOTW: A Conflict Analysis Tool | Dr Robert Bristow, Stephen Hodgson | |
Mobility Requirements Study - 2005 | Col R D Clemence, A Gangsaas | |
Strategic Lift Analysis for the Canadian Forces | Paul Comeau, Maj Mark MacDonald | |
The Validation of Commercial System Dynamics Models | Dave Exelby, Jonathan Coyle, Geoff Coyle | |
A Cognitive Systems Engineering Application of the Vulnerability/Lethality Analysis Methodology to Simulation Credibility Assessment | Priscilla A Glasow | |
Operational Analysis in the Frontline - A Progressive Environment | Suzanne Griffin | |
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Measures to Reduce Vulnerabilities in the Public Telecommunication System | Janne Merete Hagen, Havard Fridheim | |
Generative Analysis: Automated Concept Exploration using Multi-agent Simulations | Joe V Holland, Randy E Michelsen, Dennis R Powell, Stephen C Upton, David R Thompson | |
The Rifle and The Respirator | I M Mitchell | |
Representing the Command and Control Process in Simulation Models of Conflict | James Moffat | |
CF/DND Maritime Helicopter (MH) Program - A Case Study | J G Moscrip | |
The Principal Method of The Swedish Attack Helicopter Study 1996-1998 | Erik Nordstrand | |
"Personnel Forecasting Strategic Workforce Planning" - a Proposed Simulation Cost Modeling Methodology | Stephen R Parker, John A Marriott | |
Manning the Army of the Future | Greg H Parlier | |
The War of the Future: Reflections on ISMOR 16 | Gwyn Prins | |
Cryptography and the Battle of the Atlantic | P G Pugh | |
Combatant Logistics Command and Control | David Schrady | |
Analysis to Support Change and Continuity in Future Command and Control | David Shirley, Graham Mathieson, John Holt | |
Data for MRS-05: Nature of the Challenge | Elaine Simmons | |
Effective Teamworking in Partnering Environments | Dr Craig Smith | |
The Assessment of Future Infantry Systems: Individual and Section Level Performance Assessment Approaches | Jeremy Smith | |
UK/US TRACER / FSCS Combined Analysis | Dr Paul R Syms, J A Hunt, W J Krondak | |
Operations Other Than War in the Analysis of Defence Capability | Dr R Underwood | |
System Effectiveness Analysis Simulation (SEAS) Overview | Melissa Wright |