21st Symposium - 2004
Paper Title | Authors | Full Text |
MOE & EBO in HQ ARRC | Hugh D Richardson | |
Analytic Decision Support in a Civilian Organization: OPP&A in the CPA | David F Davis | |
Discontinuity in decision-making when objectives conflict: a military command decision case study | James Moffat, Graham Mathieson, Dr Lorraine Dodd, Prof Jim Smith | |
On the application of simple OR models to the Land Force | Peter J Dortmans, Stephen Bourn, Richard Egudo, Svetoslav Gaidow, Wayne Hobbs, Denis Shine | |
Combining Cognitive Maps with other OR methods to support Decision-Makers | C Drysdale | |
Using portfolio analysis to provide shared Bol decision-making between supplier and customer | Dave Exelby | |
Use of a Simple Model for Rapid Assessment of Artillery Munition Options | Neil Ferguson | |
Fast Modeling Techniques for C4ISR Problems | J Furman | |
Interacting with an ever changing Decision-Maker (with a current example from KFOR) | S Harrison | |
Interacting with the Decision Maker: Presentations and Syndicate Exercises - Introduction | G Hawkins | |
Construction of a tool for economic analysis of force structures, and its use in transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces | K H Henriksson, U Jonsson | |
System Dynamics for Naval C3I | John Holt | |
An Introduction to the Development, Application, Uses and Limitations of STAMPER: Systematic Task Analysis for Measuring Performance and Evaluation Risk | E Kalantzis | |
The Use of Objective Analysis for the Prioritisation of UK Equipment Plan Options for TST | Kevin Smith, B Spedding | |
"Facts, Figures and Facilitation": Interacting with the Decision Maker | Col N J Kvist, S Dean | |
Assessing the Value of US Army International Activities | J P Marquis | |
How to Use and Abuse MCDA and Consensus Support Methods | David W Mason | |
How much is enough? Requisite modelling for socio-technical problems | Graham Mathieson, Kathryn Hynd | |
Assessing Instability in the Information Age: Managing Overwhelming Information with Simple Models | D T Maxwell | |
The Value of Information | John Medhurst, Maj I Stanton, I M Mitchell | |
Rapid Evaluation of ASW Risk | John Moore, D Lewis | |
Assessing the Military Benefits of NEC Using a Generic Kill-Chain Approach | D Nevell | |
Optimising Networking in Air Defence | J Offord | |
Simple Models at HQ 1(UK) Div Op TELIC | J G Owen | |
Defense Science and Technology Programs - Issues and Recommendations | P Purdue | |
ISTAR Testbed: The Experimentation Facility for the ISTAR Community | K Rawlings, S Brooker | |
Use and abuse of simple models - When is a model not a model? | G Richards, M O'Connor | |
Modeling and Analysis of Post-Conflict Reconstruction | Lt D B Richardson, Dr R F Deckro, Maj V D Wiley | |
Small (and simple) is Useful: Simple Models as aids for Higher Level Military Decision Making | M Sharvit | |
The Need for and Value of Simple OA Models in Industry | S W J Atchison | |
International Collaboration and the DIAMOND Peace Support Model (POSTER) | Pete Bailey, C Snell | |
Aggregation of Monte Carlo Models to Support Meta-Modelling (POSTER) | Cressida Johnson, Dr R Williams |